lördag 29 mars 2008
Pakistan’s Nelson Mandela (Mr. Akhtar Mengal)
Pakistan’s continuing detention of Baluch nationalist hero, Akhtar Mengal, is fanning the flames of insurrection
By Peter Tatchell
The Guardian – Comment Is Free – 28 March 2008
The years of western-backed dictatorship in Pakistan are coming to an end. Candidates supporting the tyrant Pervez Musharraf were trounced in last month’s elections. Now, the democratically elected government of new Pakistan Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, has ordered the release of the judges that Musharraf deposed and detained. They were dismissed because they dared uphold the rule of law and challenge his regime’s systemic violation of human rights.
The next big democratisation step being urged by the people of Pakistan is the release of the vast, unknown numbers of political prisoners. As well as the hundreds of people who are known to detained, there are thousands more who have simply disappeared into hidden detention centres.
One of Pakistan’s most celebrated political prisoners is the former Chief Minister of Pakistan-occupied Baluchistan, Akthar Mengal, the President of the Baluchistan National Party (BNP).
To the people of Baluchistan he is a nationalist hero. Many see him as their Nelson Mandela - unjustly jailed for defending the human rights of the oppressed Baluch people. His continuing detention without trial is fanning the flames of nationalist resentment and popular insurrection against Islamabad’s tyranny.
According to Amnesty International and the Asian Human Rights Commission, Mengal is illegally detained. http://www.ahrchk.net/pub/pdf/TheStateofHRin11AsianNations2007.pdf
Held in solitary confinement in Karachi prison since December 2006, he has been denied justice by the use of delaying tactics. In all this time, he has never been tried in an open court. Cursory court hearings have been conducted inside prison. No one, except one family member, has been allowed to witness any of the legal proceedings against him.
Mr Iqbal Haider, secretary-general of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, was present at the first hearing of Mengal’s case in Karachi prison and this is what he saw: “Mr Mengal was brought into the courtroom and shoved into an iron cage with bars all around that stood in a corner away from his counsel.”
Akhtar Mengal has not been arrested on corruption charges nor has he been charged with the abuse of power. He is facing trial for the alleged ‘abduction’ of two undercover agents of Pakistan’s security forces.
He was arrested, along with 500 BNP activists, in November 2006, the day before President Musharraf was due to visit Baluchistan. The mass arrests were apparently intended to stop the BNP from protesting against the savage Pakistani military operations on Baluch territory, and against the widespread arrests of Baluch human rights activists and their enforced ‘disappearance’.
The events that led to his arrest began in April 2006. Mr Mengal reports that he and his family had been receiving threatening phone calls at the time. Because of these threats, he personally chauffeured his children to school.
On 5 April, two men on a motor bike followed his car as he was taking his kids to school. Feeling menaced, Mengal stopped his car and asked the men who they were. They refused to explain themselves. Fearing for his safety, Mengal’s security guards detained the two men and took them back to the Mengal residence, intending to hand them over to the police. By this stage, the two men admitted being army personnel.
The Pakistani Senator, Sanaullah Baloch, recently recounted what happened next:
“Almost immediately, a large party of law-enforcement agency men arrived on the spot and took away their two colleagues who had been picked up, and laid siege to the house and its occupants.”
“On the intervention of the Sindh chief minister, it was agreed that no case would be filed if Mr Mengal’s guards who were involved in the case were handed over to the police for questioning… Akhtar Mengal remained free till November 28, 2006, when the Baluchistan police arrested him, along with senior members of his party.”
“Since then, all proceedings are being conducted in camera. Repeated humiliation of the Baluch and their political representatives will intensify the animosity felt by the troubled Baluch population. The judiciary’s tilted role and the unproductive hearings….have already shattered the credibility of the bench.”
Akhtar Mengal is not the only political prisoner. Many other leaders from Pakistan’s minority nationalities - Baluch, Sindhi and Pashtun - have been detained and abused on trumped up charges.
Veteran Baluch nationalists Sardar Attaullah Mengal, Nawab Khair Bux Khan Marri, Khan Abdul Wali Khan, Mir Ghous Bux Bizenjo, Sher Mohammed Marri and Mir Gul Khan Naseer have spent many years in prison for defending the human rights of the Baluch people and refusing to act as quislings for the Punjabi-dominated political and military establishment in Islamabad.
Senator Sanaullah Baloch has noted:
“Mengal’s prolonged detention, mortification and the delay in the dispensation of justice has exposed the inequality that characterises our system. They also point to the inability of our courts to act independently without being influenced by the powers that be.”
“The (Pakistan) Constitution guarantees that ‘All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.’ The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination also emphasises ‘the right to equal treatment before the tribunals and all other organs administering justice’. However, the Baluch have not been treated according to national and international laws. Constitutional guarantees and the courts have failed to protect their fundamental rights.”
“Akhtar Mengal, as a senior leader of a political party, is entitled to all basic rights and facilities. But he has been denied basic legal and human rights because of his political affiliations. The large number of political activists in Baluchistan, who have been detained and denied legal and prison rights, are entitled to just treatment in accordance with UN conventions. The government of Pakistan must abide by the laws of the country and international law and respect the rights of the Baluch. There should be an end to the injustice, intimidation and harassment being meted out to them.”
Source: http://www.petertatchell.net/international/pakistansnelsonmandela.htm
fredag 21 mars 2008
کارت نوروزي: دريافتي از پژوهشگران عفو بين اللمل
پيروز نوروزتان
Sima, Sara, Ann and Drewery
onsdag 19 mars 2008
Iranian government ignoring Minefields in Minorities’ area
Iranian government ignoring Minefields in Minorities’ area
Iranian Minorities’ Human Right Organisation (IMHRO)Ref.IMHRO.092008-03-18Land Mine is deadly silent killer left after wars. Sustainable chemical elements used in land mines are very toxic and dangerous. Mine field deeply effecting local economy. Poultry, Animal husbandry and farming are among most effected industries. Victims usually are women, children, farmers and animals. Every year at least 1000 people became victim of land mine in Iran.Large scale of Iranian Minorities’ land had covered by minefields.1980-1988 conflict with Iraq left at least 20 million mines in west of Iran. At least area in size of 24 thousand square kilometres of minorities’ lands in Iran had covered by mine fields.[1]Iranian government did not sign Ottawa treaty yet, which declares” Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction”[2]. 158 country singed Ottawa treaty. In last decade Iranian government not only did not demined effected area, but also planted more mines in area of Azerbaijan, Turkman Sahra and Baluchistan.The problem is not only mines, it is also explosive remnants of war (ERW) specially unexploded ordnance or UXO, left behind after war or military maneuver of Iranian army, which it is more deadly as they are attracted by children.AhwazArab area of South west of Iran was in front side of 8 year war between Iran and Iraq. Both Iraqi and Iranian army plant huge mine field in the area. Mohammareh, Shat al Arab Bank, Abadan, many border side villages are heavily affected area. Reza Washahi a researchers on minorities in Iran told IMHRO that government is not care at all about mine fields in Ahwaz, the only place that they started demining it in recent years, was huge oil reserves of Azadegan, which recently discovered and it is clearly shows Iranian government is just looking for it’s own economic benefit and totally ignoring Ahwazi Arab’s basic right.[3]KurdistanKurdish area is hugely affected by mine fields. Most area of Kurdistan becomes mine field by Iranian government in aim to fight Kurdish gorilla fighters. Main victims are children, shepherds and farmers. Many mines moved by rain and came down from highland to village’s area. Ghasreh Shirin, Mehran, Dehloran, Sumar, Dashteh Zahab, Azgaleh, Nousood, Baneh, Sardasht, Asbeh Shiler and Mariwan cities are among more highly affected area by minefields.BaluchistanSince 2000 government started to plant land mines to stop Baluchi armed groups. Minefields are plant in rural area and taking huge casualties from local people. News of casualties blocked by Iranian government. Bodies of victims always left on road to frightening Baluchi armed groups.Mine field are in area between Baluchistan and Kerman area in scale of 300 hundred square kilometres, in area of Dowmag and Sare Jangal which are inhabited by Ghanbar Zehi and shah Bakhsh tribes. Also Narmashir between Zahedan and Bam, Pir Sooran near Zahedan, Rabot near the tri-border junction with Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Mirjaneh near the border with Pakistan and Koch.[4]AzerbaijanAccording to some news Iranian government started planting land mines along turkey and Azerbaijan republic borders. Some mine field situated along Aras River. Turkman SahraHuge mine field started by 2006. Ammunition left by army manoeuvre often making casualty. Villagers of Boghaz, chapar ghoveimeh and ghareh Makher were affected by ammunition left after military manoeuvre.BackgroundOne of the big issues for minorities in Iran who live along the border is huge mine fields around them. By passing more than 20 years of end of war, Iranian government always delay the demining and increasing minefields, with excuse of security.Iran is one of the land mine producers. Recently reported that land mine made in Iran found in Afghanistan[5], which Afghanistan is one of the biggest victims of mine fields in the world.In November 2006 the UN group monitoring the arms embargo on Somalia reported shipments of arms including landmines from Iran to combatants in Somalia in violation of the arms embargo on the country. The November report states that on 25 July 2006 an aircraft carrying arms, including an unknown quantity of mines, from Iran landed at Baldogle airport and was met by senior members of the Courts Union and the Dayniile Islamic Court. The type of mine, antipersonnel or anti vehicle was not specified.[6]ActionPlease write an appeal to UN Mine action bodies and ask them to call on Iran for demining effecting area by mine fields also stopping planting it in new areas. Also write to Iranian government and show your concern for land mines of minorities land and ask them to demine it.
Please send your appeal to:United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)Two United Nations Plaza,6th Floor,New York, NY 10017,USAUnited Nation Development Programme (UNDP)Mine Action TeamOne United Nations Plaza,20th Floor, New York,NY 10017,USAUnited Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)United Nations,Room S-3170,New York, NY 10017,USA
Supreme leader of IranSayyed Ali KhameneiE-mail via web sitehttp://www.leader.ir/
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise ArbourOffice of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, SwitzerlandChairwoman of European parliament Human Rights committeeMrs Hélène FLAUTREBureau d'Hélène Flautre au Parlement européen8G130, rue WierzB-1049, Bruxelles, Belgique
[1]http://www.aftab.ir/news/2007/oct/17/c4c1192619793_social_psychopathology_min.php[2] http://www.icbl.org/treaty/text/english[3] http://www.pedec.ir/detail-96-fa-0.html[4] http://www.icbl.org/lm/2007/iran.html[5] http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2008/01/d4846c20-8760-4d23-a2a9-fd23d07a0df3.html[6]
Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia pursuant to Security Council resolution 1676 (2006),” S/2006/913, 22 November 2006 p. 62
Source: http://iranianminorityshumanright.blogspot.com/2008/03/iranian-government-ignoring-minefields.html
måndag 17 mars 2008
سلام يک زنداني بلوچ محکوم به اعدام از داخل زندان به مادرش-او حدود دو سال پيش در زندان زاهدان اعدام شد-اين سرود بلوچي يکي از محبوبترين "زنگ موبايل"جوان
Oppression of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Iran: The Case of Baluch and Baluchistan Dr. M.H. Hosseinbor
The United States Congress, Thursday March 13, 2008.
A Member of the Bar of the District of Columbia and Author of Iran and Its Nationalities: The Case of Baluch Nationalism, Pakistani Adab Publications, 2000.
Oppression of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Iran: The Case of Baluch and Baluchistan
It is a great honor to appear before you to present the case of the Iranian Baluch, one of the most persecuted, oppressed, and neglected peoples of the Middle East. On behalf of over 5 million Baluch people of Iran, I would like to thank the United States Congress, the US Government, the Leadership Council for Human Rights and all those who helped organize this hearing.
Baluch and Baluchistan: A historical Perspective
Iran is a heterogeneous state comprised of six distinct nationalities including Arabs, Baluch, Kurds, Persians, Turks, and Turkmens. Although there are no accurate data as to the population of Iran’s various national groups, the recent scholarly literature tends to agree that non-Persians are a majority comprising at least 55 percent of Iran’s estimated population of 60 millions. The five non-Persian nationalities have one other important feature in common: They live along the state’s international borders, which cut across their ethnic homelands, thus dividing them between two or three states.
Divided among Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, Baluchistan-meaning the Baluch homeland- covers more than 240,000 square miles with a coastline stretching 1000 miles from the Strait of Hormuz to Karachi in Pakistan. Under the British Empire, the land was divided into three parts. The Goldsmid Line drawn in 1871 and demarcated in 1896 gave Western Baluchistan to Persia, while retaining the larger eastern part for British India. The Durand Line, drawn also by the British in 1894, further divided Baluchistan between the British India and Afghanistan, assigning to the latter a portion of Northern Baluchistan.
The Iranian Baluchistan was invaded and incorporated into Iran by Reza Shah, the founder of Pahlavi Dynasty, in 1928. As the dominant power in the region at the time, the British supported Reza Shah’s annexation of Baluchistan in order to strengthen Iran as buffer state against Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Today, Iranian Baluchistan is divided into three parts to expedite its integration and assimilation into Iran. The largest part constitutes the “Province of Seistan and Baluchistan”. It covers more than 181,578 square kilometers, which is in itself the largest province in Iran. The second part of Iranian Baluchistan is officially known as the Province of Hormuzgan for its location on the Strait of Hormuz. The third and northern part of Iranian Baluchistan is included in the neighboring Persian-speaking Provinces of Kerman and Khorasan. All three parts combined cover around 280,000 square kilometers.
In addition to their ancestral homeland Baluchistan, Baluch speak their own language called Baluchi, an ancient Indo-European language, have their distinct culture, share a common history, and adhere to Sunni Islam while Persians follow Shi’ate Islam, the official state religion of the ruling clerics. As a result, Baluch have been subject of constant ethnic, religious, cultural, and economic discrimination and political and military repression ever since their forceful incorporation into Iran in 1928. In turn, the Baluch have been striving to preserve their language and culture and to secure a degree of self-rule within a secular, democratic, and federal Iran.
The Human Rights Violations and Discrimination against the Baluch and Sunnis
Both Iranian constitutions of 1906 and 1979 failed to recognize the non-Persian national groups or to protect their political and cultural self-rule in their own respective homelands. Consequently, the Baluch and other non-Persian groups have been marginalized and subjected under both monarchial and clerical regimes to blatant discrimination in all spheres of their daily lives. The discrimination is institutionalized and systematic and is geared to the ongoing state policies of Persianization of non-Persian nationalities and conversion of Sunnis, Baha’is, and other religious minorities to shi’ism.
Political Discrimination and Oppression
The core policy of the Persian –dominated governments, both clerical and monarchial, has been to forcefully assimilate or Persianize Baluch and other non-Persian nationalities. In this context, the current clerical regime like its predecessor, refers to all six nationalities comprising Iran- namely, Arabs, Baluch, Kurds, Persians, Turks, and Turkmen’s- as constituting a single nation called Millat-e Iran or the “the nation of Iran”. As embodied, interpreted, and implemented in the first Iranian Constitution of 1906 as well as in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of 1979, the concept of “Millat-e Iran” is a manifestation of Persian nationalism which is equated with Iranian nationalism.
Aside from its theocratic color and content, “the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran” hardly differs from the Constitution of 1906 in respect to preserving the unitary state system in the country. Like its predecessor, the new constitution ruled out the question of autonomy or any other form of recognition of national, cultural, and religious rights of non-Persian nationalities. It declared in Article 12 that “the official religion of Iran is Islam and the Twelve Ja’fari School of Thought and this principle shall remain eternally immutable”. Similarly, Article 15 recognized Persian as the official state language, while prohibiting the use of non-Persian languages in schools, offices, or for any other official use in their respective homelands.
Moreover, the rights of Baluch and Iranian Sunnis in general were further restricted by the provision of Article 115, which excluded Sunnis from holding the office of the Presidency of the Republic, thus reducing Baluch and Sunnis to the status of second-class citizens. In addition, the provision of Vilayat-e Faghih (governance of religious jurist) in Article 5 had no base in the tenets of the Sunni branch of Islam and as such it was not acceptable to Sunnis. According to Article 5, the Valii-e Faghih or governing jurist, who is not elected, is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and has ultimate authority over all the three branches of the government. As the non-elected supreme leader, he is empowered to dismiss the elected president, to dissolve the parliament, and to remove at will the supposedly independent judicial authorities. Obviously, the concentration of such broad and unchecked powers in the hands of one unelected individual has been strongly opposed by Baluch and other national groups as well as by secular opposition.
In addition, the Baluch have been totally excluded from all the decision-making positions at local, provincial, and central government levels. Almost all provincial governors, city mayors, and the heads of all provincial departments are non- Baluch appointed by the central government. The Baluch and Sunnis were never represented in decision making positions in central government. No Baluch or Sunni ever served as a minister of cabinet or as an ambassador. Even the number of the Baluch in the provincial administration is hardly more than five percent of the total civil servants.
Similarly, the Baluch-speaking areas have been arbitrarily divided administratively into three parts to expedite the Baluch assimilation in accordance with the clerical government’s Persianisation and Shiazation policies as mentioned earlier. This policy towards the Baluch is in no way distinct or different from that pursued toward other non-Persian national groups including Arabs, Kurds, Turks, and Turkmen’s. The differences, if any, are merely in degree not in kind. Although all these national groups possess historically defined geographic homelands, none has been constituted or recognized as a separate administrative unit let alone as a self-autonomous province. Each ethnic region or homeland has been arbitrarily divided into several parts and incorporated in different provinces at different times. Like Baluchistan, Kurdistan and Azerbaijan have been arbitrarily divided into several parts to facilitate their Persianization and to prevent any threat that may arise if Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, or Baluchistan were reconstituted to incorporate all parts of their respective historical homelands.
Cultural Discrimination:
The use of Baluchi language, Baluchi schools, and Baluchi publications have been strictly prohibited even in their own homeland Baluchistan. That is also the case with other non-Persian languages. Only Persian history is taught as “Iranian’ history, never the history of Baluch or other national groups. No cultural institutions or activities are tolerated among the Baluch or other non-Persians. Even the Iranian census data do not reflect the nature of its ethnic heterogeneity. Instead, it uses religious designation to emphasize Muslim homogeneity and to distort the multi-ethnic nature of the country.
Among many instances of cultural oppression against the Baluch was the arrest of six members of the Voice of Justice of the Young People’s Society, a Baluch cultural association registered under Iranian law, in early May 2007. This NGO was primarily involved in organizing concerts, arts exhibitions, and educational courses for young Baluch. Subsequently, the head of the organization, Mr. Ya’qub Mehrnehad, a student, Journalist and civil activist, was tried in secret and convicted to death for an unknown offence in early February 2008. He has allegedly been tortured. He is currently on death row without access to his family members or a lawyer. His brother, Ibrahim Mehrnehad, is also in jail and has been also denied access to his family or to a lawyer.
Economic Discrimination
Iranian Baluchistan is one of the poorest, least developed, and neglected provinces in Iran. According to the UN Common Country Assessment for Iran ( www.undp.org.ir/reports/npd/CCA.pdf ), Baluchistan has the worst indicators among Iranian provinces for life expectancy, school enrollment, adult literacy, infant mortality, and access to drinking water and sanitation. All major economic activities are concentrated in central Iran where the dominant Persians live. Although Baluchistan is known to be rich in minerals including gas, oil, gold, and marine resources, the province is characterized as the “forgotten land”, implying a prolonged economic and social neglect. In spite of the province’s vast resources, there are no major industries in Baluchistan, the Baluch have no control over their resources, and have no say in running Baluchistan’s economy. Literally speaking, the land is being looted by Baluchistan’s new colonial masters in Iran and Pakistan.
The Baluch’s lack of control over their resources is the main cause of underdevelopment of Baluchistan. As a result, there is a growing economic and social gap between Baluch and Persian-dominated regions of Iran, a fact that makes Iran a prime example of uneven development in the world. Under both monarchial and clerical governments, most of the development expenditures in the province were and are geared towards the expansion of the military-related infrastructure such as roads, military bases, and facilities serving Persian bureaucrats and settlers, thus hardly benefiting the Baluch masses. In addition, as far as non-military projects are concerned, they are planned behind closed doors in Tehran, due to the highly centralized nature of economic planning in Iran, and implemented through the Persian-controlled provincial bureaucracy. The needs and wants of the Baluch population are not taken into consideration because the Baluch are not represented in economic and political decisions at the provincial level, let alone at the national level.
Religious Discrimination
Overwhelming majority of the Baluch adhere to Sunni school of Islam as are Kurds, Turkmens, people of Talesh region in the Gilan Province along the Caspian Sea, Persian-speaking regions of Khorasan Province bordering Afghanistan, and the population of southern coasts and islands in the Persian Gulf. Together, the Iranian Sunnis constitute more than a quarter of Iran’s estimated population of 60 millions. In spite of its claim to the leadership of the Islamic world, the Islamic Republic of Iran has subjected its Sunni population to religious discrimination and, in some instances, to forceful conversion to Shi’ism. As a matter of fact, the Sunnis have not been allowed to build a mosque in Tehran where several million Sunnis live. This is in spite of the clerical regime’s claim for leadership of the Islamic world. If fellow Muslims are treated so harshly by the Islamic Republic, the fate of Baha’is and other non-Muslim religious minorities should be of great concern to international community.
Numerous Sunni clerics from Baluchistan, Kurdistan, Turkmen Sahra and other Sunni regions have been arbitrarily arrested, tortured, and assassinated. As documented by Amnesty International in its report cited above, “A number of Baluchis, including Sunni clerics, have been killed in suspicious circumstances both in Iran and Abroad. Similar suspicious deaths of members of other religious minorities or of those opposed to the Iranian authorities point to a pattern of extrajudicial executions by the Iranian authorities”. The said report names only few of the victims including moulavi (religious title used by Sunni clerics) Abdolmalek Molaazadeh, Moulavi Abdolnasser Jamshid Zahi, Moulavi Ahmad Sayyad, and Moulavi Aman Naroui. The author personally knew Moulavi Habibullah Hosseinbor who was summoned to the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence in 1984 when he disappeared. Since then, no one ever heard from him and it is believed that he died under torture. Hundreds if not thousands members of the opposition groups and minorities have suffered a similar fate.
A practice widely used to discriminate against Baluch and other minorities is Gozinesh meaning selection, an ideological test requiring applicants to universities and candidates for government jobs to demonstrate allegiance to Shia Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran including the concept of Vilayat-e Faghih (Governance of Relious Jurist), a concept not adhered to by Sunnis. This practice has been used to exclude Baluch from admission to universities or employment by government ever since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979. As observed by Amnesty International in its report titled Iran: Human Right Abuses Against the Baluchi Minority, dated September 17, 2007, “ In law and practice, this process (i.e. Gozinesh) impairs- on grounds of political opinion, previous political affiliation or support or religious affiliation-equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation for all those who seek employment in the public and parastatal sector ( such as the bonyads) and, reportedly, in some instances in parts of private sector.”
Related links
Oppression of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in Iran: The Case of Baluch and Baluchistan Dr. H. Hosseinbor
Film: Iran Working Group, congressional hearing on human rightsVOA
نشست کنگره آمریکا در در مورد نقض حقوق اقلیتهای مذهبی و اتنیکی در ایران
Film; Iran Working Group, congressional hearing on human rightsVOA
söndag 16 mars 2008
نشست کنگره آمریکا در در مورد نقض حقوق اقلیتهای مذهبی و اتنیکی در ایران
روز پنجشنبه 13 مارس 2008، گروه کاری ایران وابسته به کمیسیون خارجی کنگره آمریکا (با عضویت بیش از 20 نماینده) نشستی در مورد نقض حقوق بشر اقلیتهای مذهبی ، ملی و اتنیکی در ایران برگزار کرد و از نمایندگان این اقلیتها برای شرکت و ارائه رساله هائی در اینمورد دعوت کرد.
این نشست در ساختمان ریبرن (Rayburn) با یک پانل 6 نفره شامل 4 نفر بنمایندگی از اقلیتهای ملی و اتنیکی ترک، عرب، کرد و بلوچ در ایران و نیز 2 نماینده یکی بنمایندگی ار بهائیان و دیگری بنمایندگی ازدیگر اقلیتهای مذهبی ، در این پانل شرکت داشتند.
این نشست با همکاری سازمان های کنگره رهبری حقوق بشر (Leadership Council for Human Rights)
که سازمانی است آمریکائی، سازمان دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی آذربایجان:
Azerbaijani Political Prisoners Association for the Defence of و نیز سازمان حقوق بشر اهواز (Ahwaz Human Rights Organization) و همچنین کمیته حقوق بشر کنگره آمریکا (Human Rights Caucus ) تدارک دیده شده بود.
رهبري گروه كاري ايران و مطرح کنندگان نقض حقوق بشر اقلیتهای مذهبی و ملی در ایران – در کنگره آمریکا را -که همگی در این نشست شرکت فعال داشتند آقای مارک کرک (Mark Kirk) نماینده ایالت ایلینوی ، خانم (Sheila Jackson Lee ) از ایالت فلوریدا و آقای رابرت اندروز (Robert Andrews) نماینده ایالت نیو جرسی ، میباشند.
اداره کننده پانل را خانم کترین کارتر(Kathryn Carter) رئیس " کنگره رهبری حقوق بشر" بعهده داشتند. خانم کارتر جلسه را افتتاح نمودند و با مقدمه ای در باره اینکه ایران کشوری است با تکثر ملی ، مذهبی ، قومی، زبانی و فرهنگی و نیزکشوری است کثیر المله که از ملل مختلف فارس، ترک، کرد، عرب، بلوچ و ترکمن و نیز از مذاهب مسلمان شیعه و سنی و هم چنین مسیحی و یهودی و زردشتی و بهائی و دیگر ادیان، تشکیل شده است و این اقلیتها تحت فشار اجتماعی، سیاسی و فرهنگی و زبانی بوده و نیز از ابتدائی ترین حقوق انسانی محروم و بوسیله دولتهای مرکزی و از جمله حکومت جمهوری اسلامی ایران - حقوق آنها مستمراً نقض شده است .
سخنران اول خانم نینا شی (Nina Shea) بودند- ایشان از نقض مستمر حقوق بشر اقلیتهای دینی و مذهبی سنی، مسیحی ، زردشتی، و صوفی صحبت کرده و شواهدی دال بر آزار و شکنجه این اقلیتها به کنگره ارائه کردند.
سخنران دوم خانم کیت بیگلاو(Kate Bigelaw) بنمایندگی ازسازمان جهانی و جامعه بهائیان ایران بودند که ایشان نیز با ارائه مدارک و عکس و شواهد دیگر نشان دادند حد اقل 200 بهائی از بعد از انقلاب بدست جمهوری اسلامی کشته شده اند و فشار و نقض حقوق اقلیت بهائی کماکان ادامه دارد.
سخنران بعدی خانم فاخته زمانی از سازمان دفاع از حقوق بشر و زندانیان سیاسی آذربایجان، بودند. ایشان نیز در اول با ارائه آمارجمیعتی و با نشان دادن دلایل و مدارکی دال بر اینکه حد اقل 20 میلیون ترک آذربایجانی- که بزرگترین اقلیت ملی و اتنیکی در مقایسه با کل جمعیت میباشد- از حقوق فرهنگی، زبانی ، تاریخی و اجتماعی محروم میباشند و اینکه به این ملت مستمراً بوسیله رسانه های حکومتی توهین و اهانت اعمال میشود و ترک های آذربایجانی در ایران از اساسی ترین حقوق انسانی که همانا تدریس و آموزش به زبان مادری خود محروم بوده و کماکان هستند - و نیز از حق داشتن رسانه های جمعی مانند مطبوعات و رادیو تلویزیون و غیره بی بهره اند. خانم زمانی سپس با آوردن نقل قول هائی از قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران (مواد 15 و 19) با نشان دادن اینکه حکومت مرکزی بطور سیستماتیک سعی در آسیمیله کردن و ادغام اجباری ملل غیرفارس در فرهنگ فارسی – ازجمله محو زبان ملت آذربایجان- با هدف به اصطلاح "یکدست" کردن و امحاء زبان و فرهنگ ملت ترک و دیگر ملل ساکن ایران کرده است- ایشان سپس با نشان دادن و ارائه تصویر از موارد مشخص دستگیری، بازداشت، زندان ، شکنچه و کشتار فعالان و زندانیان سیاسی آذربایجانی ، نمونه های فراوانی ارائه کردند. سخنرانی اصلی خانم فاخته زمانی با انگلیسی : http://ahwazstudies.org/main/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2966&Itemid=47&lang=EN
سخنران بعدی آقای شریف بهروز نماینده حزب دمکرات کردستان ایران در آمریکا بودند- که ایشان نیز با ارائه یک سخنرانی پر بار و تقدیم یک رساله در مورد نقض حقوق بشر ملت کرد در ایران ، وضعیت اجتماعی ، سیاسی ، فرهنگی و اقتصادی اقلیتهای ملی غیر فارس در مناطق مختلف مرزی و اینکه این ملل در مقایسه با ملت و مردمان ساکن مرکز از وضعیت به مراتب پائن تری برخوردار میباشند ، صحبت کردند. سپس به تفصیل با ارائه عکس و مدارک و دلایل دیگر از نقض فاحش حقوق کردها در ایران بوسیله حکومت جمهوری اسلامی ایران وهم چنین اعدام ها ، شکنجه، دستگیری روشنفکران،روزنامه نگاران و فعالین کرد ، به تفصیل صحبت کردند.
سخنران بعدی آقای دکتر حسین برحقوقدان، پرفسور دانشگاه و نویسنده کتاب " ایران و ملل ساکن آن- ملت بلوچ در ایران" بودند که ایشان با ارائه یک سخنرانی و ارائه یک رساله با محتوای و فاکت های بسیار ایران را کشوری چند ملیتی که از 6 ملت عمده ترک و فارس و عرب و کرد و بلوچ و ترکمن تشکیل شده معرفی کرده ، که از سال 1925 حکومت در دست فقط یکی از این ملل ساکن ایران ،یعنی فارسها ، بوده است ، که خود نیز اقلیتی -حد اکثر 40 در صدی بوده –ودیگر ملل خارج از حکومت حد اقل 55 تا 60 در صد جمعیت را تشکیل میدهند.
دکنر حسین بر سپس و ضعیت معیشتی و محرومیت و فشارهلی سیاسی و اقتصادی و اجتماعی و دیگر نقض حقوق بلوچهای ساکن ایران که هم از نظر اتنیکی ،و نیز به لحاظ سنی بودن، از جنبه مذهبی نیز بوسیله حکومت مرکزی بر آنها جفا روا وبا آنها بعنوان شهروندان درجه دو و سه با آنها رفتار میشود. دکتر حسین بر با تحلیلی از هردو قانون اساسی سال 1906 و 1979 نشان دادند که تقض حقوق بشر اقلیتهای ملی و مذهبی سیستماتیک بوده و امری تصادفی نمیباشد.
آخرین سخنران پرفسور دکترعلی الطائی- رئیس بخش جامعه شناسی دانشگاه شاو در آمریکا- به نمایندگی از 4.5 تا 5 میلیون عرب اهوازی در خوزستان (اقلیم اهواز) در جنوب غرب ایران بودند. دکتر الطائی در ابتدا با دادن تحلیلی مبتنی برجامعه شناسی، کشور ایران را متشکل از ملل و اقوام مختلف ، و نه یک ملت و قوم یکدست و واحد، معرفی کردند و این تکثر ملی و اتنیکی و فرهنگی را یک مزیت ( و نه برغم ناسونالیستهای فارس یک مشکل) عنوان کردند ، ولی متاًسفانه حکومتها و بعضی روشنفکران و ناسیو نالستهای در سلطه، حتی از اعتراف به این تکثر ملی و قومی طفره میروند. پرفسور الطائی سپس با ارائه دلایل و مدارک مختلف به تفصیل در موارد مختلف نقض حقوق بشری ملت عرب در ایران پرداختند. ایشان فرمودند که ملت عرب درایران علاوه بر محرومیت اجتماعی و سیاسی و فرهنگی وزبانی مانند دیگر ملل غیر حاکم و غیر فارس ، عربها درایران که زمینهای اباء و اجدادی آنها نزدک به 90 در صد نفت و ثروت ایران را تشکیل میدهد- خود از این نعمت الهی محروم و ملت عرب در ایران درپائینترین درجه فقر و محرومیت قرار دارند، و برآنها انواع و اقسام تبعیض نژادی، زبانی، سیاسی و اجتماعی روا شده و کماکان نیز میشود. زمینهای آنها مصادره، آبها و رودخا نه های آنها استانهای غیر عرب منحرف شده، و با بیسوادی 4 برابر و بیکاری 5 برابر میانگین کشوردست به گریبانند و از همه مهمتر بطور سیستماتیک و با برنامه ریزی کامل حکومت مرکزی و با اخراج اجباری آنها از مناطق عربی و کوچ اجباری به مناطق فارس نشین خارج از خوزستان – پاکسازی قومی بر علیه آنها اعمال میشود.
در خاتمه به دلیل کمبود وقت تمامی رساله های شرکت کنندگان برای ثبت رسمی به کنگره تقدیم شد.
در قسمت سوال و جواب نمایندگان کنگره با طرح سوالات مختلف از هر یک از شرکت کنندگان در پانل و گرفتن جواب های لازم ، نمایندگان عنوان کردند که کنکره امریکا در اینمورد کاملاً کم و حتی نا آگاه بوده و از همگی اعضاء پانل برای آگاهی اعضای کنگره و نیز برای مردمان نا آگاه در آمریکا ، تشکر کردند.
آقای کرک نماینده مردم ایالت ایلینوی گفتند که این موارد نقض حقوق بشر اقلیتها در ایران میبایست بیشتر در کنگره مطرح شود بدلیل اینکه این موضوعی است که مورد پشتیبانی هر دو حزب دمکرات و جمهوریخواه میباشد و این گروه کاری دو حزبی است و در مورد دفاع از حقوق بشر اقلیتهای مذهبی و ملی در ایران توافق کامل گروهی وحزبی در کنگره موجود است.
دیگر نمایندگان حاضر در جلسه از جمله خانم شیلا جکسون و آقای رابرت اندروز پس از تشکر از سازمان دهندگان و شرکت کنندگان در پانل مطرح کردند که آگاهی از این حقایق مطرح شده امروز و بخصوص ترکیب جمعیتی ، ملی ، قومی و مذهبی در ایران برای دولت و کنگره آمریکا – بدلایل اهمیت ایران برای سیاست خارجی آمریکا- بسیار ضروری میباشد و قول دادند که در آینده بیشتر از این نوع نشستها، کنفرانس و سمینارهائی برای آگاهی هرچه بیشتر برای ساکنین حوزه هلی انتخابی خود و هم چنین کل جامعه آمریکا، برگزارکنند.
نکته قابل توجه در این نشست آن بود که عده قلیلی از ایرانیان دست راستی و پان ایرانیست و بقول برگزارکنندگان پانل- فالانژهای ناسونا لیست و تمامیت خواه و شاه اللهی که خواهان جامعه ای آپارتایدی در ایران یعنی حکومت اقلیتی بر اکثریت هستند؛ با عدم اعتراف و نفی وجود ملل و اقوام غیر فارس - که کماکان خواهان حفظ شرایط موجود و تسلط سیاسی فقط یک قوم و ملت و فقط یک زبان و یک فرهنگ و یک تاریخ – یعنی فرهنگ و تاریخ فارس ها- در ایران و عدم تدریس و تکلم و نفی تاریخ و فرهنگ های غیر فارس ها در ایران هستند - با شرکت در این نشست بصورت بلوکه، سعی در اخلال با دادن پارازیت در خلال صحبت سخنرانان وپانالیست ها و نمایندگان اقلیتهای مذهبی و ملی- سعی در ایجاد تشنج در جلسه را داشتند که در چند مورد پلیس کنگره تهدید به اخراج انها کردند. این افراد با این اعمال هوچی گرایانه مانند همیشه سعی در ممانعت از ابرازافکار و آراء اقلیتهای غیر فارس در آمریکا و بخصوص در واشنگتن میکنند.
برای دیدن بخشی از این نشست که امزوز از تلویزیون صدای آمریکا پخش شد، به لینک زیرتوجه کنید:
مرکرمطالعات اهواز- واشنگتن
جمعه 14 مارس 2008-
fredag 14 mars 2008
torsdag 13 mars 2008
Amnesty International: urgent action on Baluchi civil society activist /Yaghub Mehrnehad
PUBLIC AI Index: MDE 13/048/2008
12 March 2008
Further Information on UA 38/08 (MDE 13/038/2008, 12 February 2008) – Death sentence/Unfair trial/ Torture
IRAN Ya'qoub Mehrnehad (m), aged 28, member of Iran’s Baluchi minority
A Judiciary spokesman confirmed at a press conference on 19 February that Ya’qoub Mehrnehad had been sentenced to death.
Judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi told the press conference that Ya'qoub Mehrnehad had been sentenced to death for "contacts with the Jondallah group", but also said that the sentence was open to appeal before the Supreme Court. Ya’qoub Mehrnehad was sentenced to death after an unfair trial and may have been tortured. He may have been arrested solely for his peaceful exercise of his rights to freedom of expression and association during his journalism and his activities as head of a legally registered NGO, The Voice of Justice Young People’s Society (VJYPS), which organises events such as concerts and educational courses for young Baluchi people and raises funds to help the poor.
On the day of the press conference, Ya’qoub Mehrnehad was permitted a visit by his family, the first for about two months. His family were summoned at short notice. During that meeting, they were told to speak only in Persian, not Baluchi. According to a Baluchi source, Ya’qoub Mehrnehad told his family, "I am not guilty and this has happened unjustly and if I am executed, people will know that I have been executed without [having committed] a crime."
Ya'qoub's 16-year-old brother Ebrahim, Ebrahim’s 16-year-old friend, and two other Baluchi men who are members of VJYPS have been arrested, according to local Baluchi sources, and are in grave danger of torture. Their whereabouts are unknown. See UA 68/08, MDE 13/048/2008, 12 March 2008.
The Baluchi armed group, the People's Resistance of Movement of Iran (PRMI), formerly known as Jondallah has carried out a number of attacks on Iranian officials and has sometimes taken hostages and killed them. It reportedly seeks to defend the rights of the Baluchi people, though government officials have claimed that it is involved in drug smuggling and terrorist activities and has ties to foreign governments.
Attacks by the PRMI have been followed by widespread arrests of members of the Baluchi minority, many of whom Baluchi sources claim are not connected to the attacks. In 2007, at least 312 people, and perhaps many more, were executed in Iran. There was a marked rise in the number of Baluchis executed.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in English, French, Arabic, Persian or your own language:
- calling on the authorities not to execute Ya’qoub Mehrnehad, and to commute his death sentence immediately;
- asking for details of the charges against Ya’qoub Mehrnehad, by which court he was tried, whether he had a lawyer of his own choice, whether he has been able to exercise his right to appeal against his conviction and sentence;
- expressing concern at reports that he has been tortured, and reminding the authorities that the use of confessions extracted under duress is prohibited by Article 38 of the Constitution of Iran;
- urging that he be released if he has been detained solely for the peaceful exercise of his rights to freedom of expression and association.
Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation: Your Excellency
Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader, Islamic Republic Street - Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@leader.ir
Salutation: Your Excellency
Governor of Sistan - Baluchistan province
Mr Dahmarde, Governor
Fax: +98 541 3231990
E-mail: info@sb-ostan.ir
Salutation: Dear Sir
His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency, Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir
(via website) www.president.ir/email/
Speaker of Parliament
His Excellency Gholamali Haddad Adel
Majles-e Shoura-ye Eslami, Baharestan Square, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +98 21 3355 6408
Email: hadadadel@majlis.ir (Ask for your message to be passed to the Article 90 Commission)
and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 22 April 2008.
خبر فوری /بازداشت عبدالله سالارزهی عضو شورای مرکزی انجمن جوانان صدای عدالت
"س.س."گزارشگر راديو بلوچي اف ام در زاهدان: يازده جوان و نوجوان بلوچ در طول شش هفته اخيرناپديد شده اند
اسدالله شه بخش دانشجو و عضو فعال انجمن جوانان صدای عدالت بازداشت شد
گزارشها: جمهوری اسلامی يعقوب مهرنهاد را به اعدام محکوم کرده است
U.S. State Department /Mehrnehad/Iranian Repression of Balouchi Minority
Amnesty International:Ya'qub Mehrnehad (m), aged 28, member of Iran’s Baluchi minority
فوري فوري : "حکم اعدام" يعقوب مهرنهاد" 28 ساله , پدر سه بچه را متوقف کنيد
Urgent action needed for stopping the death sentence of 28 year old Yaghoub Mehrnehad, a father of 3 children
Amnesty International: Urgent action on Baluchi civil society activists /Ebrahim Mehrnehad and three other balouchis
PUBLIC AI Index: MDE 13/047/2008
12 March 2008
UA 68/08 Fear of torture
Ebrahim Mehrnahad (m), aged 16
Fazlorahman Jahras (m), aged about 16
Abdollah Salarzahi, (m), leading member, Voice of Justice Young People’s Society (VJYPS)
Asadollah Shahbaksh, (m) student, VJYPS member
According to local Baluchi sources, Ebrahim Mehrnehad, Fazlorahman Jahras, Abdollah Salarzahi and Asadollah Shahbaksh have been arrested, and their whereabouts are unknown. They are at grave risk of torture.
Ebrahim Mehrnehad is the younger brother of Baluchi journalist and civil society activist Ya'qoub Mehrnehad, who is the head of a legally-registered NGO, The Voice of Justice Young People’s Society (VJYPS). VJYPS organises events such as concerts and educational courses for young Baluchi people, and raises funds to help the poor. Ebrahim Mehrnehad was said to have been arrested on 21 February while walking home from school. Fazlorahman Jahras, who was with him, was also reportedly arrested.
VJYPS member Asadollah Shahbaksh was reportedly arrested in late February, and VJYPS spokesperson and Central Council member Abdollah Salarzahi was reportedly arrested in early March.
Ya'qoub Mehrnehad has been sentenced to death after an unfair trial, for allegedly having “contacts with the Jondallah group”, a Baluchi armed opposition group. See UA 38/08 (MDE 13/038/2008 and MDE 13/047/2008) for further details.
The Baluchi armed group, the People's Resistance of Movement of Iran (PRMI), formerly known as Jondallah has carried out a number of attacks on Iranian officials and has sometimes taken hostages and killed them. It reportedly seeks to defend the rights of the Baluchi people, though government officials have claimed that it is involved in drug smuggling and terrorist activities and has ties to foreign governments.
Attacks by the PRMI have been followed by widespread arrests of members of the Baluchi minority, many of whom Baluchi sources claim are not connected to the attacks. In 2007, at least 312 people, and perhaps many more, were executed in Iran. There was a marked rise in the number of Baluchis executed.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, French, English or your own language:
- asking why Ebrahim Mehrnehad and the three others (naming them) have been detained, where they are detained and under what law, and seeking assurances that they will not be tortured or ill-treated while in detention;
- urging the authorities to release all four if they have been detained solely for the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and association;
- reminding the authorities that the use of confessions extracted under duress is prohibited by Article 38 of the Constitution of Iran;
- urging the authorities to ensure that all four have access to their families and a lawyer of their choice and to any medical treatment they may require.
Minister of Intelligence
Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie
Ministry of Intelligence, Second Negarestan Street, Pasdaran Avenue, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Salutation: Your Excellency
Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation: Your Excellency
Governor of Sistan - Baluchistan province
Mr Dahmarde, Governor
Fax: +98 541 3231990
E-mail: info@sb-ostan.ir
Salutation: Dear Sir
Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader, Islamic Republic Street - Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@leader.ir
Salutation: Your Excellency
Speaker of Parliament
His Excellency Gholamali Haddad Adel
Majles-e Shoura-ye Eslami, Baharestan Square, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +98 21 3355 6408
Email: hadadadel@majlis.ir (Ask for your message to be passed to the Article 90 Commission)
and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 22 April 2008.
Related links:
خبر فوری /بازداشت عبدالله سالارزهی عضو شورای مرکزی انجمن جوانان صدای عدالت
"س.س."گزارشگر راديو بلوچي اف ام در زاهدان: يازده جوان و نوجوان بلوچ در طول شش هفته اخيرناپديد شده اند
اسدالله شه بخش دانشجو و عضو فعال انجمن جوانان صدای عدالت بازداشت شد
Amnesty International:Ya'qub Mehrnehad (m), aged 28, member of Iran’s Baluchi minority
فوري فوري : "حکم اعدام" يعقوب مهرنهاد" 28 ساله , پدر سه بچه را متوقف کنيد
nt action needed for stopping the death sentence of 28 year old Yaghoub Mehrnehad, a father of 3 children
måndag 10 mars 2008
دو تن از دستگير شدگان حادثه "چاه جمال ايرانشهر" ( مولوي محمد يوسف سهرابي و مولوي عبدالقدوس ملازهي) به اعدام محکوم شدند
بنابر اخبار موثقي که از بلوچستان بدست ما رسيده اکثر دستگير شدگان وهمچنين بيشتر از نه نفر از کشته شدگان که در بين آنها دو زن وجود داشت افرادي عادي و همسايه هاي اطراف که کوچکترين وابستگي با "جندالله" نداشته اند, بوده اند
خبر: راديو بلوچي اف ام
شنبه، 18 اسفند ماه 1386 برابر با 2008-03-08
اخبار تکميلي
فوري فوري : شش جوان بلوچ در معرض خطر اعدام !!
Urgent action and attention: 6 young baloch persons (arrested in Chah-Jamal, Iranshahr episode) are....
گزارشي تصويري از تظاهرات امروز استکهلم
براي ديدن همه عکسها اينجا را کليک کنيد
تظاهرات در اعتراض بحکم اعدام "يعقوب مهر نهاد" فعال مدني بلوچ
Stockholm - Mynttorget
073-9039752 (Masoud)
Posted: 20080222
براي آخرين اخبار و گزارشها از وضعيت "يعقوب مهر نهاد" اينجا را کليک کنيد
ديدار اعضاي "ديده بان حقوق بشر بلوچستان" با کميسيون خارجي دولت سوئد در ارتباط با حکم اعدام يعقوب مهرنهاد و.....
امروز تاریخ 26.02.2008 چند تن ازاعضاي "ديده بان حقوق بشر بلوچستان" با يکي از اعضای کمیسیون خارجی دولت سوئد دیدار و گفتگو نمودند
این ديدار در ساختمان وزارت خارجه سوئد صورت گرفت-و بعد از معرفي و تاريخچه "ديده بان حقوق بشر بلوچستان " اطلاعات جامعی در مورد بلوچستان به عضو کمیسیون خارجی قرار داده شد
سپس در مورد نقض حقوق بشر و سر کوب مخالفين توسط رژیم جمهوری اسلامی ایران با ارائه مدارک صحبت شد.
چون هدف از اين ديدار بيشتر اطلاع رساني و استمداد کمک در لغو حکم اعدام فعال مدني يعقوب مهرنهاد و دستگيري ابراهيم مهرنهاد و دوست همسنش "فضل الرحمن چهراس" ( ۱۶ ساله ) بود لذا بيشترين وقت در اين زمينه تعلق گرفت و تاريخچه کوتاهي از فعاليتها و مشکلات مهرنهاد و گروهش بصورت شفاهي و کتبي به عضو کميسيون ارائه شد
عضو کميسيون خارجي دولت اظهار داشت : از دستگيري و احکام صادره چندين خبرنگار و وبلاگ نويس ديگر در ايران از نزديک باخبر بودم ولي در مورد اين پرونده بخاطر نداشتن مدارک کافي از موضوع بدربوديم . اما از همين امروز اين مسئله را هم از طرف پارلمان اروپا و هم از طريق دولت سوئد بصورت جدي پيگيري ميکنيم و شما را حتما از اقداماتمان مطلع ميسازيم
Balochistan Human Rights Watch - Sweden
براي آخرين اخبار و گزارشها از وضعيت "يعقوب مهر نهاد" اينجا را کليک کنيد
VOA TV (About Yaghub Mehrnehad and Ebrahim Mehrnehad)/گفتگو با مسعود بلوچ در تلويزيون صداي آمريکا

گفتگو با مسعود بلوچ در تلويزيون صداي آمريکا در مورد حکم اعدام يعقوب مهرنهاد ودستگيري برادرش ابراهيم مهرنهاد شانزده ساله از اينجا دانلود کنيد
متن مصاحبه مسعود بلوچ با تلوزیون ماهواره ایی صدای آمریکا
ستاره فرحبخش :
طی سالهای اخیر و تشدید فشار در ایران بر اقلیت های قومی واکنش محافل و سازمانهای مدافع حقوق بشر را بدنبال داشته است ده ها تن از شهروندان عرب کرد و بلوچ به اتهام محاربه یا اقدام علیه امنیت ملی محکوم شده اند و یا حکم اعدام دریافت کرده اند .
دادگاهی در استان سیستان و بلوچستان هفته گذشته یعقوب مهرنهاد روزنامه نگار و دبیر انجمن جوانان صدای عدالت در زاهدان را به مجازات اعدام محکوم کرد.
مسعود بلوچ مسئول دیدبان حقوق بشر بلوچستان درگفتگویی با صدای آمریکا در این زمینه صحبت کردند لطفا توجه فرمایید :
آخرین خبری که به دست ما رسیده این است که برادر آقای یعقوب مهرنهاد ابراهیم مهرنهاد 16 ساله از اواخر هفته قبل از درب منزلش با یکی از دوستانش ناپدید شده انگونه که شایعه است ماموران اطلاعات آنان را به مکان نامعلومی منتقل کرده اند و هیچ خبری ما از آنها نداریم – و آخرین خبری که از یعقوب داریم همان ملاقات تقریبا هفت هشت روز پیش بود و هیچ خبر دیگری ما از یعقوب نداریم
پرسش از طرف گوینده صدای آمریکا :
وضعیت سلامتی یعقوب مهرنهاد در آن ملاقات چطور بوده ؟
مسعود بلوچ مسئول دیدبان حقوق بشر بلوچستان :
طبق اخباری که بدست ما رسید 15 دقیقه به خانواده مهرنهاد وقت ملاقات داده بودند یعقوب از نظر روحی روحیه قوی داشته است و دائما تکرار می نموده من بیگناهم و اگر من را عدام کردند بیگناه کشته می شوم
پرسش از طرف گوینده صدای آمریکا :
قوه قضاییه اتهام آقای مهرنهاد را ارتباط با گروه جندالله ذکر کرده که علیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران مبارزه مسلحانه میکند ؟
مسعود بلوچ مسئول دیدبان حقوق بشر بلوچستان
هرکسی را که در بلوچستان دستگیر می کنند اولین اتهام همین همکاری با گروه های مسلح و ارتباط با گروه های مسلح است
بلاخره اینها مشخص نکردند این ارتباط چیست ؟ آیا این ارتباط تلفنی ایمیلی و یا حضوریست ؟ این را من صد در صد رد میکنم و حتی گروه جنبش مقاومت مردمی ایران که همان جندالله سابق است هم یک اطلاعیه داده و این همکاری را کلا رد نموده اند
پرسش از طرف گوینده صدای آمریکا :
آقای مسعود بلوچ فعالیت های یعقوب مهرنهاد بیشتر در چه ضمینه ایی بود ؟
مسعود بلوچ مسئول دیدبان حقوق بشر بلوچستان :
اگر به خاطر دارید اوایل سال 80 در ایران یک سری انجمن های"ان جي او" راه افتادند که در بلوچستان هم سه چهار تا انجمن "ان جي او" راه افتاد در ایرانشهر زاهدان و چابهار
انجمن "ان جي او" ایرانشهر و چابهار بخاطر فشارهای وارد مجبور به تعطیلی گشتند انجمن آقای مهرنهاد نیز یکی از همین انجمن ها بود که با مجوز دولت در سال 1381 فعالیت خود را آغز نمود فعالیت هایشان بیشتر حول مسایل اجتماعی از قبیل کمک به زنان بیوه کمک به معتادین و بیماران و حتی اطلاع رسانی میکردند درمورد بیماری ایدز و فعالیت های فرهنگی انجمن هم از قبیل برگزاری کلاس های آموزش بلوچی کلاس های کامپیوتر و حتی اینها یادآوری میکردند به مسئولین استان در خصوص مشکلات استان و بگزاری موسیقی بلوچی خود یعقوب بجز فعالیت های انجمنی یک وبلاگ نویس هم بود در آنجا فعالیتهای انجمن خود را می گفت و هم نظرات و انتقادات خود را می نوشت که اغلب دردها و رنج ها و مشکلات مردم بود را در وبلاگش می نوشت در کل یعقوب به خاطر همین انتقادات از همان سالهای اول تحت فشار بود چندین ددفعه تهدید و بازداشت شد حتی وی در سال 1385 بعنوان کاندیدای شورای شهر زاهدان نامزد شد که تایید صلاحیت نگشت و در کل او را می خواستند از صحنه حذف نمایند ولی یعقوب و دوستانش بدلیل اینکه می خواستند فعالیت مدنی کنند و معتقد به این نو.ع فعالیت بودند فعالیت خود را گسترده و عملیتر کردند مثلا با نماینگان مجلس شهر های مختلف حصوری گفتگو و مشکلات جامعه را مطرح میکردند و جلسه پرسش و پاسخ برگزار و از مردم و مسئولین دعوت می کردند و نهایتا در تاریخ 2 اردیبهشت ایشان با دوستانشان در جلسه ایی که در اداره ارشاد زاهدان برگزار کرده بودند و مسئولین استان و حتی فرماندار زاهدان نیز در ان حضور داشتند بعد از این جلسه یعقوب مهرنهاد را دستگیر کردند و 5 دوستش را بعد از 6 ماه آزاد نمودند و یعقوب هم بعد از 10 ماه حکم اعدام دریافت کرد
Source: http://yekensan33.blogspot.com/2008/03/blog-post_8903.html#links
Related links:
گفتگو با مسعود بلوچ در "راديو فردا" در مورد گزارش جديد "عفو بين اللمل" در ارتباط با دستگيري ابراهيم مهرنهاد و دوستانش
گزارش راديو سوئد(پژواک) در مورد حکم اعدام يعقوب مهرنهاد و دستگيري برادرش /گفتگو با مسعود بلوچ مسئول راديو بلوچي اف ام
براي آخرين اخبار و گزارشها از وضعيت "يعقوب مهر نهاد" اينجا را کليک کنيد
Urgent action needed for stopping the death sentence of....
Urgent action needed for stopping the death sentence of 28 year old Yaghoub Mehrnehad, a father of 3 children.

We have been informed via our recent correnpondencies and other contacts with the close relatives and one of attornies’ of Yaghub Mehrnehad, that he has been sentenced to death last week by the Islamic republic of Iran’s court in Balochistan province. Yaghoub Mehrnehad who is the chairman of “the association of youth’s justice voice” was arrested on 26.04.2007 by intelligence service at the office of association in Zahedan, Balouchistan, Iran. The incidence took place during the annual session of plenum for political discussion where some of representative of steering system were delegating as well. The arrestation act included Yaghoub, his younger brother, the only 16 year old Ebrahim Mehrnehad and some other members of members of above association. Ebrahim Mehrnehad and other members were released after 70 days while Yaghoub have been kept in custody and now sentenced to death.
Yaghoub has 3 children (5 year old abubakr, 3.5 year old Omar, and 7 month old Asieh, who was born 2 month after her father was arrested). His family has been granted permission to visit him only 4 times during he has been in custody. Yaghoub’s father is not among us anylonger, and his mother (Jan bibi) suffers from heart disease and asthma.
Based on our contacts with close relatives of Yaghoub, he has 3 brother and 6 sisters, and considering that his father died at early age, his mother tried very hard to manage bringing up her children. Yaghub started working after his high school diploma in order to be able to support the family.
We have as well been informed by his close relatives that his physical condition under the custody has developed to be in a very bad shape in the sence that he almost lost 14-15 kg of his weight.
Finally the court of Islamic Republic of Iran sentenced him where even his family was not present and he was sentenced to death 1,5 monthes later.
This decision has naturally affected the mental and psychological state of all family members dramatically. Almost all are in this belief that the result of initial conviction has not been a death sentence, and because he has been tortured so much the regime wants to end any speculation whether or not, he now has received the death penalty. By killing him (as it was the case for the 17 year old student Saeed Ghanbarzahi) the regime wants to terminate all evidences.
To Human right’s organisation:
As informed, the Islamic republic of Iran has yet killed and still killing hundreds / thousands of young balochis with false allegations such as participation in drug handling processes and / or participation in armed groups. As informed also, the acused persons have been killed with no any right for justice defence against the false allegations. When it is not possible for the regime to take such allegations in use, it does not hesitate to claim the balochis are politically active agains the regime.
With reference to the same procedure we were witnessed how the Islamic regime in Iran amputed recently the hands and legs of five balochis.
At least we know that Yaghoub and herby the association he represents has done nothing wrong than only beening politically critical against the unhuman policies that Balochistan is undergone by Islamic regime of Iran.
The association of youth’s justice voice has performed its activities the recent years since 2002 due to the policy of foundation of non governmental organizations, and has achieved the legalization from the Youth Organization . Youghub Mehrnehad has been performing his activities within relevant legal circular under particular attention to reasonable political and cultural struggle. Thus his arrestation, custody and conviction are even inconsistent with the constitution of Islamic republic of Iran.
We would like to call international attention, the Amnesty International in particular, to our concern. Nevertheless we would like the international community to take the necessary immediate action on stopping the death penalty of Yaghub.
Balochistan Human Rights Watch-Sweden
Print version
Persian version
Related links:
فوري فوري : "حکم اعدام" يعقوب مهرنهاد" 28 ساله , پدر سه بچه را متوقف کنيد

طي تماسهاي با نزديکان و با يکي از "وکلاي" يعقوب مهرنهاد ,مدير کل انجمن جوانان صداي عدالت امروز مطلع گشتيم که دستگاه قضائي استان در اواخر هفته گذشته براي ايشان حکم اعدام صادر نموده است
يعقوب در اردیبهشت 1386 پس از برگزاری پنجمین همایش سالانه "جوانان پرسشگر, مسئولین پاسخگو" که تعدادی از مسئولین نیز در آن حضور داشتند, تعدادی از اعضای شورای مرکزی انجمن از جمله یعقوب و برادر شانزده ساله اش "ابراهيم مهرنهاد" بازداشت شدند - که بعد ازهفتاد شبانه روز بازداشت ابراهيم شانزده ساله همراه چهارتن ديگر آزاد و يعقوب مهرنهاد با گذشت 10 ماه بازداشت , اکنون حکم اعدام دريافت نموده است
يعقوب مهرنهاد داراي سه فرزند (ابوبکر 5سال ,عمر 3,5 سال و آسيه 7 ماهه) ميباشد. آسيه دو ماه بعد از بازداشت پدرش بدنيا آمده است. آنها در اين مدت فقط چهار دفعه اجازه ملاقات با مهرنهاد را داشته اند. از والدين فقط مادرخانه دار وي (جان بي بي ) که از ناراحتي قلبي و بيماري آستم رنج ميبرد,در قيد حيات است
طي تماسهاي که امروز ما با نزديکان مهرنهاد داشتيم , در اين خصوص يکي ازآنها چنين ميگفت : "مهرنهاد داراي سه برادر و شش خواهر ميباشد. پدر ايشان خيلي وقت پيش فوت کردند. مسئوليت همه خانه و بچه ها بگردن مادر بود. زندگي بسيار سختي را داشتند. اين "شير زن" موفق شد پسر اولش را که ازمهرنهاد بزرگتر است با همه مشکلات به دانشگاه بفرسته و موفق بدريافت ليسانس در رشته نرسینگ بشود. مهر نهاد هم بعد از دريافت ديپلم سريع تشکيل خانواده داد و با هدف ياري به مادر و امرار معاش خانواده زود به بازار کار روي آورد و با شغل آزاد خود بار سنگين مادر را سبکتر کرد" ه.
يکي ديگر از نزديکان ايشان در تماسهاي امروزما ,چنين ميگفت:" در ملاقات آخر که دو ماه پيش صورت گرفت وضعيت جسمي و روحي مهرنهاد بسيار متشنج بوده- حدود چهارده پانزده کليو وزن از دست داده بوده.او اصلا مثل قبل نبوده, حتي تعادل فيزيکش را تا حدود زيادي از دست داده . مادر بيچاره اش گويا بعد از ملاقات آخر با پسرش "مهرنهاد" شکسته شد و زمين گير شد. شب و روز در بستر خانه تحت مداواست " ه.
گفتنيست که سه شنبه چهارم دي" دادگاه" اين جوان فعال مدني بدون حضور خانواده اش در زاهدان اجرا شد و در اواخر هفته گذشته بعد از گذشت يک ماه ونيم حکم اعدام براي وي اتخاذ گرديد
ناگفته نماند که بعد از شنيدن اين خبر شرايط روحي تمام اعضاي خانواده بسيار نگران کننده است .اکثرا بر اين اعتقاد اند که حکم حقيقي "دادگاه" حکم اعدام نبوده-احتمالا در اثر شکنجه و ضرب شتم زياد بلاي بر سر مهرنهاد آمده, و براي سر پوش گذاشتن ماجرا اين حکم را صادر کرده اند تا با يک صحنه نمايشي اعدام در محوطه زندان (مانند اعدام نمايشي سعيد قنبرزهي دانش آموزهفده ساله) از افشاي آن جلوگيري کنند
خطاب به سازمانهاي حقوق بشر
همانگونه که می دانید رژیم جمهوری اسلامی در راستای سرکوب بلوچها و ایجاد رعب و وحشت در منطقه اقدام به دستگیری های گسترده جوانان بلوچ کرده و آنان را تحت شدید ترین شکنجه ها قرار داده و با تشکیل دادگاه های زیر زمینی این افراد بیگناه را بدون برخورداری از حق داشتن وکیل و حتی اعتراض, به احکامی وحشیانه و ضد بشری همچون اعدام و یا بریدن دست و پا محکوم می نمايد
در راستای همین سیاست شوم چندی پیش شاهد قطع دست و پای پنج جوان بلوچ درزاهدان بوديم که برای تمام عمر معلول گشتند
بر همگان واضح است که انجمن جوانان صدای عدالت با اخذ اعتبارنامه از سازمان ملی جوانان در سال 1381 فعالیت خود را آغاز کرده است و آقای مهرنهاد همواره طرفدار مبارزه سياسی, فرهنگي مسالمت آميز بوده و سابقه فعالیتهای قانونمند و شفافی داشته است. از اين جهت اين حکم غيرقانوني و حتي دستگيري و بازداشت ايشان خلاف اصول قانون اساسي جمهوري اسلامي ميباشد
اما متاسفانه مسئولان قضایی و انتظامی استان بعد از ده ماه اسارات و شکنجه "حکم" اعدام براي وي صادر کرده اند و هر لحظه اين خطر وجود دارد که اين فعال مدني را به جوخه مرگ بسپارند - برای نجات جان يعقوب مهرنهاد(اگرواقعا زنده است) از تمام سازمان ها ی حقوق بشر و مدافعین حقوق انسانی تقاضای کمک داریم
Balochistan Human Rights Watch-Sweden/ Radio Balochi FM
شنبه، 20 بهمن ماه 1386 برابر با 2008-02-09
توضيح: اين نامه به "آمنستي اينترنشنال "و ديگر سازمانهاي حقوق بشري از طرف"ديده بان حقوق بشر بلوچستان "فرستاده شده است
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براي آخرين اخبار و گزارشها از وضعيت "يعقوب مهر نهاد" اينجا را کليک کنيد