نامه اي از طرف فعالين "ديده بان حقوق بشر بلوچستان" به آقاي عبدالمالک ريگي رهبر جنبش مقاومت مردمي ايران-جندالله
بنا بر اطلاعيه اخير"جنبش مقاومت مردمي ايران-جندالله" " مطلع شديم که اگر تا روز جمعه 7 تیر 87 رژیم جمهوري اسلامي به درخواست "جنبش مقاومت مردمي ايران-جندالله" يعني " آزادي زندانيان سياسي بلوچستان" عمل نکند دو تن دیگر از افسران دستگیر شده از قرارگاه سراوان با نامهای "پاسدارعیسی پودینه و پاسدار رضا راهداری" اعدام خواهند شد
بر همگان واضح است که روزانه رژيم جمهوري اسلامي با کمک ماموران نظامي و غيرنظامي خود به بهانه هاي مختلف به مردم و اموال آنها درتمام نقاط ايران و شديدتر از همه در بلوچستان تعرض نموده....و شدت آن روزبروز بيشتر و بيشتر ميشود
مسلما مردم هم سکوت اختيار نکرده اند...بهر طريق ممکن عکس العملل نشان ميدهند-تعدادي بشکل مسالمت آميز و تعدادي بطرق غير مسالمت آميز. طوريکه ميتوان گفت جنگي (بين ملت و دولت) بوقوع پيوسته که روزبروز در حال شعله ورتر شدن است...چيزي که ميتواند عواقب غيرمنتظره و بسيار خطرناکي را براي منطقه (خصوصا بلوچستان) و ساکنين آن در بر داشته باشد
ما (تعدادي از فعالان حقوق بشربلوچ در داخل و خارج بلوچستان) که چند مدتيست به نام "ديده بان حقوق بشر بلوچستان" در زمينه نقض حقوق بشر در بلوچستان در فعاليت هستيم بسيار نگران اين وضعيت و بويژه نقض حقوق مردم اين منطقه هستيم....
از آنجائيکه" مساوات و عدم تبعيض" بنياد هر گونه فعاليت حقوق بشري ميباشد در نشستي با همکارانمان تصميم به نوشتن اين نامه گرفتيم - از طريق همين نامه از شما رهبر اين گروه و يارانتان تقاضا داريم که از اصول معمول قوانین بینالمللی انسانی و حقوق بشری در خصوص حبس و نگهداري اسيران خود پيروي نمائيد و تا جاي ممکن سعي برحل قضيه از طريق مسالمت آميز شويد
"ديده بان حقوق بشر بلوچستان" به مسئولين رژيم جمهوري اسلامي توصيه ميکند که از اعدامها، شكنجه و بدرفتاری با زندانيان(سياسي و غير سياسي) و قتل وکشتار روزافزون در بلوچستان سريعا خوداري و زندانيان سياسي را مورد عفو عمومي قرار دهد , تا امنيت جان اسراي پاسگاه سراوان که در دست افراد "جنبش مقاومت.." تضمين شود
همچنين از همه گروهها و فعالين حقوق بشري ميخواهيم که براي نجات وآزادي زندانيان سياسي در زندانهاي کشور و اسراي مذکوراز هر نفوذ و اقدام ممكنی استفاده نمائيد
Balochistan Human Rights Watch / Radio Balochi FM
پنجشنبه، 6 تیر ماه 1387 برابر با 2008
A letter from some activists within the Balochistan Human Right Watch to Abdul Malik Rigi, the leader of the Iranian People’s Resistance Movement (Jondullah)
Following recently anoncement published by Iranian People’s Resistance Movement (jondullah), the movement will execute 2 iranian officers (Pasdar Isa Pudineh and Pasdar Reza Rahdari) who are held as hostages Friday 27 june 2008, if Iranian Islamic Republic does not response positively to the demand from the ‘’Movement’’. The ‘’Movement’’ had demanded unconditional releasing of all political prisoners of Balochistan.
As informed, the Islamic republic of Iran kills hundreds / thousands of iranian and of course Balochis in particular with false allegations such as participation in drug handling processes and / or participation in armed groups. And this act is commited increasingly day by day.
Consequently, people has started their resistance against the regime by different causes, some resistance groups do exhibit their resistance by civilian acts while other don’t see any choice than choosing the last option which points to militant tendency. The war between people and the regime will undoubtedly causes unpleasant and perhaps dangerous consequences for the region, and in particular for Balochistan.
We some activists within the Balochistan Human Right Watch (from inside as well as outside of Balochistan) are deeply concerned for the whole setup, particularly are concerned for the act of breaking of human rights in Balochisan.
Since the foundation of any human right watch group is equality and non-discrimination, we decided to exhibit our appeal demonstrated by the current letter to you as the leader of Iranian People’s Resistance Movement (Jondullah) to ask you to follow basic regulations concerning International Human Rights towards the hostages you hold, and to ask you to the possible extent to resolve the situation by peaceful causes.
We would, as well, like to call authorities in Iranian Islamic Republic to stop any kind of suppression against people and to stop all killings and to release all politcal prisoners in Iran and in Balochistan in particular by which the life of hostages held by the ‘’Movement’’ is saved.
We in “Balochistan Human Right Watch” strongly call international attention, the human right watch groups in particular, to our concern.
Balochistan Human Right Watch /Radio Balochi FM
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Following recently anoncement published by Iranian People’s Resistance Movement (jondullah), the movement will execute 2 iranian officers (Pasdar Isa Pudineh and Pasdar Reza Rahdari) who are held as hostages Friday 27 june 2008, if Iranian Islamic Republic does not response positively to the demand from the ‘’Movement’’. The ‘’Movement’’ had demanded unconditional releasing of all political prisoners of Balochistan.
As informed, the Islamic republic of Iran kills hundreds / thousands of iranian and of course Balochis in particular with false allegations such as participation in drug handling processes and / or participation in armed groups. And this act is commited increasingly day by day.
Consequently, people has started their resistance against the regime by different causes, some resistance groups do exhibit their resistance by civilian acts while other don’t see any choice than choosing the last option which points to militant tendency. The war between people and the regime will undoubtedly causes unpleasant and perhaps dangerous consequences for the region, and in particular for Balochistan.
We some activists within the Balochistan Human Right Watch (from inside as well as outside of Balochistan) are deeply concerned for the whole setup, particularly are concerned for the act of breaking of human rights in Balochisan.
Since the foundation of any human right watch group is equality and non-discrimination, we decided to exhibit our appeal demonstrated by the current letter to you as the leader of Iranian People’s Resistance Movement (Jondullah) to ask you to follow basic regulations concerning International Human Rights towards the hostages you hold, and to ask you to the possible extent to resolve the situation by peaceful causes.
We would, as well, like to call authorities in Iranian Islamic Republic to stop any kind of suppression against people and to stop all killings and to release all politcal prisoners in Iran and in Balochistan in particular by which the life of hostages held by the ‘’Movement’’ is saved.
We in “Balochistan Human Right Watch” strongly call international attention, the human right watch groups in particular, to our concern.
Balochistan Human Right Watch /Radio Balochi FM
Thursday, 26 June 2008
لينکهاي مرتبط
صفحه خبرهای حقوق بشر بلوچ
Baloch Rights Watch News
اسامي تعدادي از اعدام و کشته شدگان بلوچ توسط نيروهاي انتظامي رژيم جمهوري اسلامي ايران....اينجا را کليک کنيد
A list of Baloch youth who killed by Iranian Regime in year 2005-2007
لينکهاي مرتبط
صفحه خبرهای حقوق بشر بلوچ
Baloch Rights Watch News
اسامي تعدادي از اعدام و کشته شدگان بلوچ توسط نيروهاي انتظامي رژيم جمهوري اسلامي ايران....اينجا را کليک کنيد
A list of Baloch youth who killed by Iranian Regime in year 2005-2007
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